Beautiful Strangers

"...The subject matter-tho meaningless as it is- has something to do with the beautiful strangers... the beautiful strangers, Vivaldi's green jacket & the holy slow train."- From notes on Bob Dylan's Highway 51 Revisited, 1965.

Beautiful Strangers can be found on the corner of Main and Green in Tehachapi California, making music together; beautiful music? No, not always, but it's always music nonetheless; people's music - our music. Join us on Saturday at 1:00. Bring your own instrument or just watch and sing or clap along.

At the core of Beautiful Strangers, you'll find Thorne Ashtone with his guitar, mandolin, banjo, harmonica, or fiddle, singing a plethora of great songs from genres and eras far and wide. Django Stauffer, a young upcoming singer/songwriter who recently released an EP called Ouch, brings a jolt of energy with his fast-paced originals and edgy musical style which he'll apply to any instrument with strings. Amy Rodriguez keeps it all rockin' and rollin' with her classic stand-up bass, named Sylvia. She's been known to grab another instrument if there happens to be a need for a flute, sax, guitar, or ukulele. Rebecca Wilson always brings her stage presence with her when she comes, and maybe even her banjolele, washtub bass, or washboard. She and Jodi Stauffer will use their voices to add a layer or two to the music, and sitting on her box drum, Jodi Stauffer grooves along with the beat.

As you can see, it "has something to do with the Beautiful Strangers..." the people's music, and the slow Tehachapi train. Soon there will be more to see here on this site, as more videos are posted to the internet and more songs are sung. In the meantime, feel free to use the buttons below to browse what's here or to drop us a line or book us for your next social event.